
Website: animashooter.com

Tuesday 31 July 2018

More payment methods available

Now even more payment methods available for our shoppers: Skrill Wallet - an electronic wallet available worldwide.

Monday 16 July 2018

AnimaShooter Beta

New development release of AnimaShooter is now available for download. This version delivers the following new feature: key webcamera settings (focus, scale, saturation, etc) now easily accesseble from the right panel. http://www.animashooter.com/beta/

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Using AnimaShooter to make cool stop motion animation

AnimaShooter Capture Beta is now available

AnimaShooter Capture Beta is now available for download: animashooter.com/beta This version delivers some performance improvements as well as several bug fixes, including proper UI scaling on HiDPI screens.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Dwin, The Stoic - Happy Song (Official Music Video)

Very nice stop motion shot entirely with AnimaShooter by @TheGrandVezir  - Happy Song (Official Music Video). Take a look:

Saturday 7 July 2018

AnimaShooter Pioneer for Linux

We're currently testing Beta version of AnimaShooter Pioneer for Linux. If you are interested in joining this betatesting , contact us via support@animashooter.com - we'll provide you 60 days trial keys suitable for a longer testing. Download page: http://www.animashooter.com/unix/